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Blockchain integration
Odoo . February 11, 2022

The ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is the foundation of every organization, processing massive data dependably and transparently. Project management, […]

AI in ERP systems
Odoo . February 9, 2022

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) grows to shape the future of business, CEOs must ensure that they are not left behind […]

Odoo ERP Trends
Odoo . February 8, 2022

Technology is growing at a breakneck rate, and so is Odoo ERP (enterprise resource planning). Odoo ERP software may greatly […]

Differences Between Odoo.sh vs Odoo Online
Odoo . February 7, 2022

Odoo is the most popular open-source ERP platform in the world. Businesses utilize it to handle all aspects of their […]

How Odoo ERP Can Rectify Your Business
Odoo . February 4, 2022

When you are in the business world, it is necessary to stay ahead of the game to be successful. Forecasting […]

Cloud ERP vs On-Premise ERP
Odoo . February 2, 2022

Over the last several years, there has been a noteworthy shift toward cloud-based solutions in the ERP Software industry. According […]

Odoo Migration Service
Odoo . February 1, 2022

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions are critical in any firm in the twenty-first century. It does not matter if your […]

arc backend theme enterprise
Odoo . January 31, 2022

“The human brain is designed to grab attention towards visual data rather than boring data.” The theme is a familiar […]

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    Method Decorators in Odoo

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    Odoo . March 21, 2022

    Odoo supports several decorators two among them are ‘onchange’ and ‘depends’ decorators. We are going to discuss the api-onchange and […]

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