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Odoo May 28, 2021

When it comes to Odoo, it is considered a complete package of enterprise applications that includes multiple domains like advanced […]

Prestashop May 28, 2021

2020 has been a great year for the e-commerce industry. As more people have stayed at home, online shopping has […]

Prestashop May 28, 2021

eCommerce development is a continuous process as the online store evolves with better functionalities & emerging expectations based on business […]

Odoo May 28, 2021

When it comes to an e-commerce website, we always get an impression of a neat website with intuitive AI and […]

Prestashop May 28, 2021

E-commerce sales are witnessing a massive jump ever since the onset of the pandemic. As the world slowly recovers from […]

Prestashop May 28, 2021

When it comes to offering e-commerce solutions to small & medium-sized businesses, PrestaShop is undeniably one of the best options! […]

Magento May 28, 2021

One of the best eCommerce platforms with a range of benefits, Magento 2 scores high over its own previous version. […]

Odoo May 28, 2021

In the middle of all the hype around big data and AI, we are acquainted with the term Machine Learning. […]

Magento May 28, 2021

Magento 2 extension development is big news in the market. We already know that Magneto 2 has helped thousands of […]

Odoo May 28, 2021

Putting it simply, the Gantt chart is a visual presentation of activities scheduled over a period of time. It can […]

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    Method Decorators in Odoo

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    Odoo . March 21, 2022

    Odoo supports several decorators two among them are ‘onchange’ and ‘depends’ decorators. We are going to discuss the api-onchange and […]

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